Welcome Melissa J. Cunningham to the spotlight today. She's the author of The Ransomed Souls Series. Melissa, thanks for joining us today! What is your next project? The third book in the Ransomed Souls Series, The Undoer, is coming out this spring! It’s by far my favorite out of any books I’ve written! Name 5 of your favorite movies. The Count of Monte Cristo, because Jim Caviezel is beautiful and I love how it’s a story of redemption and coming back from your lowest point (which I too have had to do). The Lord of the Rings, and do I really need to explain why? LOL The Hobbit, because I love Lord of the Rings. Princess Bride, because it’s a classic with some of the best one-liners ever written. I could watch it over and over. Pitch Perfect, because I’m a music buff. I used to be a music major in college. I sing, play guitar and piano, and used to write music. Now I write stories. |
That would depend on if you put my middle initial in there! If you don’t, you get an actress who is my same age and dresses like a porn star. But I’m right beneath her! (on the google page) J
What’s your pet peeve?
Dang! I can’t even think of one! I can think of a bunch my husband has though!
I love, love, love Invictus. But I have quite a few I like. My grandmother and mother were both wonderful poets, so I have that talent flowing through my veins if I ever put it to good use.
What is your best advice for aspiring writers?
Just keep going! Never stop. You’ll get better and better as you go. If I could find a publisher while dealing with neurological Lyme Disease and publish FOUR books while sick and crazy, you can too! (I don’t recommend being sick and crazy, but to each their own)
This is it. This is my moment, and I'm not going to let some stupid boy and a bunch of his idiotic friends scare me into failing. Closing my eyes, I float through the closed door, letting myself enjoy that slight pull on my soul as I meld with the wood for one second, feeling its aliveness, its purpose. This is one part of being a spirit that is genuinely cool. Everything is alive.
Once through, the brightness in the room surprises me. As unexpected as that is, what amazes me even more is that the glow radiates around one person in particular.
He sits sprawled at his desk, his feet clad in heavy, black combat books, his ankles crossed. A thick, ratty sweatshirt stretches over his wide shoulders, and even though his hair is a mess, it fits him, making him much sexier than is healthy for a seventeen year old boy. (pg 62)
Coming Soon... Book III
They call it The Door to Hell. A blackened crater that never stops spewing up poisonous gas from the bowels of the Earth, but gas isn’t the only thing coming from that crater…
They slither out, those malevolent souls—demonic filth that wreak havoc and destroy lives. They don’t even pretend to hide…
Brecken, an ex-demon trying to find redemption, is given the task of closing The Door. A seemingly impossible task. A group of teens who call themselvesCazadors, will be his allies. These extraordinary youth can see the demons when no one else can, but Jag, their leader, wants nothing to do with Brecken.
Brecken must earn their confidence and defeat the demon horde infiltrating the Earth.
The Cazadors might not be much… but they are all the world has.
Melissa Cunningham (also known as M.E. Cunningham) was born in Oregon but grew up in Utah, where she was raised on a steady diet of fine literature from Charlotte's web to the The Trumpeter Swan, and then plenty of romances in her teen years. She now lives with her husband on a little farm in northern Utah where all she can see out of her back door is miles of pasture and stunning sunsets. Not only does she raise horses, dogs, cats, and chickens, but her five kids also. When Melissa is not writing you can find her spending time in the outdoors with her family or dancing wildly to rock music in her living room. She loves running, camping, and all things fiction--scary, mind-numbing stories preferred. Find her at www.melissajcunningham.com
You can find the Reluctant Guardian on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.