My post today is an interview with Emma Bennett, a seventeen-year old high school senior, in my novel, Aftermath. Emma's only worries are completing college applications and convincing her father to let her go on the senior trip to Lake Bell. Then, suddenly everything changes and Emma finds herself relocating to Westport, Wisconsin to live with her aunt. Let's see what she has to say today.
Do you know both of your biological parents? Why/why not?
Well... I did. My mother passed away after battling cancer for years. I was twelve.
My dad was killed in an accident on his way to work. So I moved to Westport, Wisconsin, to live with my aunt my senior year of high school.
Have you inherited any physical resemblances from your parents?
Great question! My Aunt Barb claims I look just like my mom. But I don't see it. Of course, I was twelve, when my mother passed away.
My dad was really, really, really conservative. He had a closet full of khaki pants and dress shirts. Despite that, he always looked nice when he headed to work.
Do you share any personality traits with their parental figures? And which do you take after most?
My aunt once told me that I was stubborn, like my dad. I didn't see what she meant.
Do you get along with your aunt, or do you clash?
We get along really well. She's always been there for me - right from when I was little.
If you had to describe your aunt in one word, what would it be?
How has your aunt, or parents, helped you most in your life?
My aunt has really showed me how you need to move on. I mean, not in a bad way. I'll always remember my parents - and I'll love them forever. But, my aunt has shown me that I can't sit around and weep. I need to mourn, and then move on. My parents wouldn't want it any other way.
What was your biggest fight with your parents?
That's hard to talk about. Um... well, my dad and I argued the morning he died. I wanted to go on the senior class trip. He didn't.
That was pretty much it. Dad never really argued. He just told me his opinion. It was sort of his way or no way.
Tracing back the family tree, what nationalities are in your ancestry?
I don't know the nationality of my ancestors. I'll have to ask my aunt!
What’s your favorite memory with your parents?
Oh, wow. There's so many! I didn't enjoy it at the time. But learning to drive and my dad's lack of patience was hilarious well after the fact! But on a serious note, my twelveth birthday was amazing. I got a camera and perfume... but my mom died a few months later. I still have the pictures of us from that day. They are are framed and on my desk.